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2008 Year in Review
U.S. Workers Taking Chances with Safety

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U.S. Workers Taking Chances with Safety

U.S. workers are risking workplace injuries by not complying with important safety procedures, according to a survey released by Kimberly-Clark Professional. The survey found that 89 percent of safety professionals polled at the 2008 National Safety Council (NSC) Congress have observed workers failing to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when they should have been.

This is the third consecutive year that the Kimberly- Clark survey has revealed a high rate of PPE noncompliance. Given the high rate, it is not surprising that when asked to name the top workplace safety issue in their facilities one third of respondents cited worker compliance with safety protocols. Next was insufficient management support and/or resources for health and safety functions (27 percent). Under-reporting of workplace injuries and illnesses was third (14 percent), followed by training a multilingual, multicultural workforce (7 percent) and escalating worker compensation costs (5 percent).

Is the Economy a Factor?

One potential explanation for continuing problems with compliance could be the economy. Thirty-four percent of respondents said the economy had affected worker safety training programs or resources. Fifty-nine percent said it had not. Of those who said the economy had impacted safety training or resources, the survey found that: 63 percent said it had led to less money for education and training; 42 percent said it had resulted in reduced personnel to handle safety training tasks; and 33 percent said the faltering economy had led to business concerns taking precedence over safety concerns.

This year’s survey also polled safety professionals about the steps they have taken or intend to take to encourage greater PPE compliance. The top response was “improving existing education and training programs,” followed by “purchasing more comfortable PPE.” Increased monitoring of employees was third, followed by tying compliance to individual performance evaluations and purchasing more stylish PPE.

Work-related injuries in the U.S. cost more than $50 billion a year, according to Liberty Mutual Insurance.

Safety Philosophy

This year respondents were asked to describe their personal safety philosophy from a list of choices. Two responses tied for first place: “Safety doesn’t cost it pays” and “Organizations must create safety based cultures” (43 percent each).

For more information, mkt/2008nscpressrelease or contact Shannon Smith, Kimberly-Clark Professional at 678-352-6236, E-mail:

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