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Reported Sales Brisk at AWFS® Fair
The 2001 AWFS® Fair was one of the strongest events in its 44-year history, despite a power outage that affected three of the five halls for over 5 hours on Friday. Exhibitor space exceeded all past levels reaching almost 380,000 square feet. Overall registrations were up by 2.6% with a total registration of 28,400. In spite of the general economic conditions, attendance was slightly higher than in 1999. Exhibitors reported that while it felt less crowded due to the spacious layout, sales as well as leads were strong, with many reporting record sales.

"The stage was set for a terrific show, with exhibitors enthusiastically reporting a well organized move-in, pre-registrations at a record level and the fabulous new look of the convention center," said Skip Hem, 2001 Trade Show Chairman. After a great first day launch, a faulty wire in a relay control module resulted in a power outage midday on Friday. An afternoon of uncertainty and frustration then occurred until a City of Anaheim electrician identified the cause and full power was restored.

Saturday was brisk, with attendees benefiting from free parking the convention center made available to help mitigate the Friday experience, as well as extended exhibition hours in the affected halls. From exhibitor accounts, it seems that overall the 2001 AWFS® Fair either met or exceeded their expectations.

Technology Speeds Registration
Since 43% took advantage of the internet to facilitate their pre-registration, a significant number of self registration terminals were offered on site, in addition to more traditional registration options. These proved very popular, easing the registration time for attendees at the show.

The AWFS® Fair 2003 will be held July 31 - August 3 at the Anaheim Convention Center. Exhibitor rates will remain the same as in previous shows. "We are hitting the ground running in making plans for the 2003 AWFS Fair. I'm looking forward to an exciting two years," said Kemp.

For more information, see the AWF website at

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