DVS Training & Certification
It is not too late to sign up for this year’s DVS Welder
Training and Certification Courses. The one-week courses
are designed so they are beneficial for anyone connected to
the industry, be it newcomers to the field, shop personnel,
supervisors, engineers
or company managers
and provide indepth
theoretical and
practical knowledge
of thermoplastic
materials, hot gas
hand welding and
hot gas extrusion
The starting dates
for each course at
Wegener Welding
LLC’s Burr Ridge, IL (Chicagoland) location are September
13 and 20. The courses are conducted by a Certified
Welding Instructor from SKZ (Southern German Technical
Institute). Attendees have the option to certify as plastic
welders according to DVS and will receive an official welder
card and certificate upon successful completion.
For more information, contact Patty Zitkus,
WEGENER Welding, LLC, 16W301 S. Frontage Road, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, 630-789-0990, Fax: 630-789-1380, E-mail: patty@wegenerwelding.com, Web: