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Letter from the Editor: May/Jun-24  

This issue marks 27 years with PD&F Magazine. We have learned so much, and we look forward to continuing to report on the products and services that will help your company find new opportunities. This issue is packed with products that will open new doors, increase efficiencies, and allow your company to offer your customers higher quality plastic products and parts

We kick-off with “Work Smarter with Custom Cast Nylon Shapes.” Custom casting is a term used for the creation of any shape that falls outside of stock shape definitions. Custom shapes can save both time and money in the manufacturing process. The option to use these shapes opens a world of cheaper yet fully effective options for nylon product applications.

Next is our 28th Nylon & Acetal Shapes spotlight. Nylon and acetal are versatile, easy to fabricate, and continue to find new applications and new industries to serve, due in part to their wide range of properties. Our spotlight features leading suppliers and innovative materials that can provide new opportunities for your business.

Finally, our See-Through Plastics Plus spotlight features everything from materials that offer biocompatibility to tooling and equipment that will help your company fabricate, trim, and polish better parts for your customers.

We ran out of room for Safety Solutions this month, but we will have a new column for you next issue. Until then, visit our website for an archive of Jack Podojil’s articles. If your company needs assistance with a safety-related matter, Jack would be happy to help. As a reader of PD&F Magazine, he is available for an initial consultation. He has nearly 50 years in industrial safety and can be reached via email at Everyone wins when a workplace is safer.

I feel fortunate to celebrate another year in this essential and fascinating industry. We look forward to bringing you even more news, new products, and information you need to create new opportunities for your business.

If you are looking for additional materials, machinery, or products and services that will help your company reach the next level, search our website. You can also manage your subscription.or contact our advertisers.

Enjoy the issue,

David Whelan

Summer 2024

  • 2024 Buyer’s Guide
  • Machinery & Tooling
  • Polyolefins

Advertising/Editorial Close: 07/01/24

Correction: In the Winter 2024 issue, on page 8, we listed the incorrect contact information for the Architectural & Signage Applications article featuring Alutec®. The correct contact information is Alutec, 402 Enterprise Interamerica Industrial Park, Laredo, TX 78045, 832-593-3844, E-mail:, Web:

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