Japan has a monstrous termite problem. So do many other countries that are exposed to hot and humid conditions. Permanent effective termite damage prevention is therefore more economical than attempting to stop termites once they have attacked the structure. Aridan SV has a system of termite protection which is a thin specially compounded flexible dual purpose EVA copolymer sheet used as a ground cover to protect against termites and to keep moisture out of the house subframe structure. Additionally, there is a sill guard tape and liquid impregnation insecticide and pretreated sand for foundation protection. The prime source of prevention, however, is the EVA-sheet, which has impregnated in it a pesticide which acts as a permanent termite barrier. The impregnated sheet and sill tape are said to be non-polluting and are harmless to people and animals despite its effectiveness to termites.
For more information, contact Fukuvi Chemical Industry Company, Tokyo, Japan.