Deerfield Urethane, Inc., a Bayer Company, has expanded its lines of Dureflex® aliphatic polyurethane film and sheet products which are specifically designed for security glazing interlayer applications. They are formulated for bonding of polycarbonate-to-polycarbonate and polycarbonate-to-glass security laminations.
The newly expanded lines include optically clear aliphatic Thermoplastic Polyurethane grades which are formulated as "self priming" (A4700) and "non-self priming" (A4100). Sheet grades are available with an embossed finish on one side that permits easy air escape in the autoclave cycle.
Potential security glazing interlayer applications for the film and sheet include bullet/shatterproof glass for prisons, zoos, retail and commercial applications as well as ballistic/blast/intrusion applications, residential glazing, and many others.
User benefits include excellent bondability, toughness and durability, excellent flex fatigue, optical clarity, excellent energy dispersion and UV resistance, low haze, good elasticity and thermal/mechanical shock absorption. They are offered in a wide range of widths, gauges and surface finishes.
For more information, contact Larry Johnson, Marketing Manager, Deerfield Urethane, Inc., P.O.Box 186, South Deerfield, MA 01373, 413-665-7016, FAX 413-665-7159, E-mail: larry-w.b@bayer.com, Web: www.bayerus.com.