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Category: News
Volume: 45
Issue: 4
Article No.: 25827

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The King Plastic Corporation and Jarrett Plastics, Inc. group partnership continues to grow and bring innovative solutions and high-quality products to their customers. As a distributor and customer, you can continue to enjoy: improved product range, innovative solutions, and enhanced customer service.

John Jarrett is the founder and President of Jarrett Plastics Inc., a family-owned manufacturers’ representative group covering 25 states, from the Midwest to the Northeast, and the Eastern Canadian Provinces.

Joined by Matt Jarrett , Scott Jarrett , and David Jarrett , Jarrett Plastics Inc. is a family-owned and run manufacturers’ representative group that continues to grow with King Plastic. They specialize in high-end materials that go into difficult environments such as Aerospace & Defense, Chemical Processing, Industrial Valves & Fasteners, and Semiconductor.

To learn more about Jarrett Plastics, visit

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