A new brochure that provides an overview of their complete range of suction cup vacuum lifters that permit one person to safely handle sheets and panels, and other types of loads is being offered by Anver Corporation.
The Anver Material Handling Equipment For All Applications and Industries brochure provides an overview of powered vacuum lifters, tilters, and rotators; vacuum tube lifters; mechanical vacuum lifters; suction cups; and custom designed vacuum systems.
Featuring vacuum lifters for handling almost any load and material from sheet and plate to coil and pipe, the 8-page brochure describes vacuum lifters with capacities from 50 lbs. up to 60,000 lbs.
For more information, contact Frank M. Vernooy, Anver Corporation, 36 Parmen ter Road, Hudson, MA 01749, 800-654-3500, 978-561-0221, Fax: 978-568-1570, E-mail:, Web: www.