Expanded UHMW Facility
Symplastics Limited, a leading manufacturer of UHMW
sheet and rod, headquartered in Orangeville, ON,
Canada, has announced a major expansion of its UHMW
sheet manufacturing. This expansion reinforces
Symplastics’ commitment to their unique sheet ram extrusion
process. The increased production is needed to meet
the growing demand for its Ramex® UHMW products,
which are sold through plastics distributors throughout
North America for applications in conveying, material handling,
fabrication and other industries. The first phase of
the expansion was completed and operating in March,
2006. The second phase is scheduled to be completed by
the 3rd quarter of 2006. Symplastics, with its proprietary
ram extrusion technology for UHMW sheet, is the world’s
largest ram extruder of UHMW.
For more information, contact Doug Mortimer,
Symplastics, Inc., 8 Cermak Blvd., St. Peters, MO 63376,
800-346-1739/636-397-3008, Fax: 636-397-0687, E-mail:
dmortimer@symplastics.com, or Wayne Smith,
Symplastics Limited, 21 Tideman Drive, Orangeville, ON,
Canada, L9W 3K3, 800-661-2387/519-941-5300, Fax:
519-941-4489, E-mail: wayne.smith@symplastics.com,
Web: www.ramexuhmw.com.