Teflon® with Adhesive on Both Sides
CS Hyde Company announces a one-of-a-kind new product:
Teflon® (PTFE) Tape with adhesive on both sides
(thin to thick gauge). Traditional Teflon Tape is only available
with adhesive
on one side.
They have developed
a new technology
to produce
Teflon Tape
with pressure
sensitive on both
sides and up to
.060” thick.
Teflon (PTFE) Tape allows customers to fasten two substrates
together easily and cost-effectively. Rivets, bolts
and screws are not necessary. PTFE substrate has the
same characteristics associated with Teflon: chemical
resistance, non-porous barrier, extreme temperature
resistance and dielectric strength. 3M acrylic adhesive on
both sides enables attachment to other substrates.
Adhesives are resistant to extreme temperatures and
Double-Sided Teflon (PTFE) tape is available from .005”
to .060” thick. (high bond adhesive also available). It is
available in rolls, sheets or custom die-cuts shape.
Samples are available.
For more information, contact Tiffany Hoerld, CS
Hyde Company, 1351 N. Milwaukee Ave., Lake Villa, IL
60046, 800-461-4161, Fax: 800-441-8063, E-mail:
sales@cshyde.com, Web: www.cshyde.com.