Quadrant Unveiled Expanded Facility
Quadrant Engineering Plastic Prod -
ucts (EPP) celebrated the recent
75,000 square-foot expansion of its
Scranton facility in the fourth quarter
of 2011 with a luncheon and tour for
its local businesses and dignitaries.
This facility primarily manufactures
various grades of polyolefin materials that are used in
diverse markets including medical equipment, food processing
and packaging equipment, semiconductor manufacturing
equipment and a wide range of industrial applications.
This most recent expansion provides additional space to
increase production of Quadrant’s line of specialty polyethylene
materials. Growth of these advanced PE formulations
drove Quadrant’s desire invest in higher technology
green manufacturing that reduces energy usage and
waste, helping to make them not only a growing company
but a responsible part of the community.
Quadrant President and CEO Glen Steady said, “Our
Scranton team has done an exceptional job of continually
finding ways to improve our operations. Quadrant’s continued
and significant investment in the site and the people
is a direct result of the effort and attitude of those who
make us a successful business. We’re very proud to be a
growing part of Scranton and Lackawanna County.”
Since Quadrant’s 2004 acquisition of the former Poly Hi
Solidur’s Scranton operations, there have been significant
investments in safety, production and quality. Scranton
has become the North American Logistics and
Distribution center for Quadrant EPP and recently an
OSHA VPP Star applicant - with impressive safety performance. All of Quadrant’s manufacturing operations are
ISO9001-2008 registered and many of the products produced
in Scranton meet stringent regulatory agency and
industry specifications.
For more information, contact Kim Imes, Quadrant EPP,
2120 Fairmont Avenue, Reading, PA 19612, 800-366-0310/610-320-6709, Fax: 800-366-0301, E-mail: kim.imes@qplas.com, Web: www.quadrantplastics.com.