Transilwrap (U.S. and Canada) has become the Distributor of Choice for UCB Films, Inc. and their extensive line of cellophane products. Cellophane is available in plain and polyvinylidene (PVDC) coated versions along with specialty cellophanes and colors for a variety of packaging and overwrap applications.
The addition of cellophane to the Transilwrap product line brings the company full circle to its very beginnings in 1931. In that year, David and Jim Minkus and Ed Badgley started Transilwrap in Chicago converting large rolls of cellophane into smaller rolls for the candy industry. The company has grown in almost 70 years so that today it is a major manufacturer of laminated films for a variety of industries and has over 15 branches throughout the world. The family of the founders are now active participants in the day-to-day operations of the corporation.
For more information, contact Customer Service, Transilwrap of Canada, Ltd., 800-268-4108.