Companies interested in training their employees in extrusion operations no longer have to rely on outside consultants, handle expensive custom-made programs, or pay for time lost sending employees off-site for training. Interactive Training Extrusion, ITX(r), developed by Dr. Chris Rauwendaal of Rauwendaal Extrusion Engineering, Inc., is a fully interactive, multi-media training program designed to train extruder operators, process engineers, technical service personnel, and others involved in these operations. Free demonstration CD-ROM disks are available upon request.
The CD-ROM combines text, audio, 2D and 3D animations, video clips, tests, graphics, and figures to provide a true multimedia training experience. This seven part training program covers: 1) Extrusion Machinery, 2) Instrumentation & Control and Extrusion Lines, 3) Plastics and Properties Important in Extrusion, 4) How an Extruder Works, 5) How to Run an Extruder, 6) How to Troubleshoot Extrusion Problems, and 7) ITXtrude(r). This user-friendly program is structured to deliver in-depth instruction followed by three or four questions to test comprehension. If a question is answered incorrectly, the program repeats the information related to the question, and then repeats the question. When all questions are answered correctly, the program continues.
For more information, contact, Julie Angus, Hanser Gardner Publications, 6915 Valley Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45244-3029, 800-950-8977, 513-527-8977, FAX 513-527-8950.