Leister to Host DVS Training and Certification Classes
Leister Technologies LLC, subsidiary of Leister Technologies AG, a worldwide leader in hot gas plastic fabrication tools and equipment, will be hosting their annual DVS training and certification classes in Itasca, Illinois, October 11-15 and 18-22.
The Manager of Plastics Engineering at the Aachen University Chamber of Craft and Trades in Aachen, Germany, will be conduction the training. Aachen University, founded in 1870, is one of the premier technical/scientific and research institutions in Europe.
The classroom and hands-on training will include structure and physics of thermoplastics, hot gas speed welding and extrusion welding process, parameters, techniques, best practices and more.
For DVS Certifications, attendees will undergo additional requirements; destructive testing of specimens shipped to Aachen University.
To sign up for classroom training and/or certification classes go to https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=55is6O1pIEa_RBBJwU5m_f4UvPLauAhFriXhPA2M2jVUNDY1T1VOMEJKV09LSDI4NTlKMjdLWUlDUS4u. Seating is limited and will be reserved on a "first come, first served" basis.
For more information, contact Ken Huber, Leister Technologies LLC, 1275 Hamilton Parkway, Itasca, IL 60143, (630) 760 1000, Fax: (630) 760-1001, E-mail: ken.huber@leisterlcom, Web: www.leister.com.