Flip-PodÒ Vacuum Hold-Down System
Carter Products has introduced a redesign of their Flip-PodÒ
System that offers some real benefits in improved Z-height accuracy. The all-new Flip-Pod unit now features a lip-seal allowing direct part contact with the precision Pod assembly. This provides the tightest possible Z-tolerance while increasing holding power, compared to the original model.
The revised Pods are totally compatible with previous Flip-Pod installations so they may be incorporated into existing cavities without modifications. All accessories from the original system - Half-Pods, Retractable Locators, and Fixed Locators -function just as before.
Unlike the original seal, a rubber extension cup that compresses when vacuum is applied, the new seal flattens when vacuum is activated so the part rests on the top of gray grooves of the Flip-Pod body itself. This, Carter claims, results in the most accurate positioning possible. Field tests show that holding power is improved over the original design. This proves extremely important in processing smaller parts.
For more information, contact Kip Walworth, Carter Products Company, Inc., 2871 Northridge Drive NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49544, 616-647-3380, Fax: 616-647-3387, E-mail: sales@carterproducts.com, Web: www.carterproducts.com.