Security Glazing
security glazing
materials were
used in cell doors,
several common
areas and visitation
booths in
Cherokee County’s
$35 million dollar
public safety facility.
Serving the Atlanta suburbs, the
125,000 square foot facility which includes several
offices, a courtroom and a jail component that can accommodate
up to 500 beds, was designed to use the most
technologically advanced equipment and materials. With modern detention center designs creating a need for
higher performing security glazing materials,
MAKROLON HYGARD proved to be an excellent choice
for use in a variety of areas where containment and
resistance to attack are important. Consisting of multiple
layers of polycarbonate or polycarbonate/acrylic
with bonding interlayers, MAKROLON HYGARD laminates
are offered in six levels of protection from containment
rated sheet to UL Level 3 bullet-resistant
material capable of withstanding multiple rounds fired
from super-powered handguns.
With its unique multilayer construction, MAKROLON
HYGARD laminates offer unsurpassed performance versus
competitive glass and glass-clad polycarbonate products.
hard coat technology, assures long lasting surface quality,
resistance to yellowing and it will not “spider web” or
spall. Additionally, the relative light weight of
MAKROLON HYGARD laminates, combined with easy on-site
fabrication, allows for timely job completion when
meeting a schedule is an essential part of the project.
For more information, contact D. J. Jantz, Sheffield
Plastics, Inc. 119 Salisbury Road, Sheffield, MA 01257,
800-254-1707, Fax: 800-457-3553, Web: www.