Display Components
The new catalog from
Merchandising Inventives, Inc.
is a major resource for every
kind of sign and literature holder,
merchandising strip,
hanger as well as numerous
other display products like shelf
clips and data channels. It’s a
showcase of a full compliment of
products for the ceiling shelf and
floor and for ease of use, everything
has been organized into
categories with full reference information provided such as
measurements, instructional illustrations and points on how
the various products work in differing situations and together
to encourage creativity and solve problems. Also, bound
within each catalog on is a removable poster that’s the ultimate
reference guide containing all the images and part
numbers of every product in the line.
For more information, contact Theodore
Cobb, Merchandising Inventives, Inc., M.I. Plastics, LLC,
1665 South Waukegan Road, Waukegan, IL 60085, 847-
775-6956, Fax: 847-688-0748, Web: www.merchinv.com.