MAAC Contributes to Thermoforming Education
Over the past few years, matching grants from the SPE
thermoforming division have been available to
accredited schools and/or educational institutions who
seek funding for the purchase of thermoforming equipment.
As the SPE is a non profit organization, the funds
raised have allowed the Thermoforming Division to offer
this matching grant program of up to $10,000.
In addition to the grants offered by the Thermoforming
Division, MAAC Machinery and several of its suppliers
have added to this matching grant by offering a significant
educational discount on new thermoforming machines.
With the grants and discounts, Universities have been able
to purchase brand new thermoforming machines with a
value up to $32,000, at a cost of only $10,000.00.
With the new machinery and its corresponding technology,
Universities are expanding their offerings by starting
thermoforming programs or adding new thermoforming
courses. In turn, students have more opportunities and
possibilities. With touch screen PLC’s, ceramic infrared
ovens and non-contact infrared pyrometers, students can
quickly learn the process with today’s technology.
For more information, contact Michael Alongi,
MAAC Machinery Corporation, 590 Tower Blvd., Carol
Stream, IL 60188, 800-588-MAAC/630-665-1700, Fax:
630-665-7799, E-mail:, Web: