Handbook of Material Weathering
The most comprehensive book on material weathering
has been updated since its first edition in 1988. It
reviews all current publications. It deals with important
current issues such as material durability, conservation of
energy and resources and protection of environment. This
revision is based on the analysis of over 2000 research
papers published since the previous edition.
The book addresses theory (principles of photophysics
and photochemistry in application
to weathering), stress factors
(radiation, temperature, water,
pollutants, and stress), methods
of measurement (40 groups of
analytical methods of specimen
testing), climatic conditions,
methods of weathering (complete
description of techniques used in
outdoor and laboratory exposures),
weathering effect, polymer
degradation (42 groups of
polymers and rubbers), weathering
of different products (31
groups of different products), effect of process additives
on weathering, stabilization, biodegradation, environmental
stress cracking, recycling, corrosion and deterioration
of stones in historical monuments.
For more information, contact Anna Fox,
ChemTec Publishing, 38 Earswick Drive, Toronto, Ontario
M1E 1C6, Canada, 416-265-2603, Fax: 416-
265-1399, E-mail: a.fox@chemtec.org, Web: www.chemtec.org.