A new pad attachment for their standard vacuum tube lifter that lets one person handle soft roll goods from the top, without straps and blocking, is being introduced by Anver Corporation.
The VT Series vacuum tube lifter has a dual foam seal that conforms to curved and irregular surfaces. Providing single-handed up/down control using a throttle built into the ergonomic handle, this lifter and pad attachment allows one person to pick up bulky soft roll goods from the top surface without requiring straps, hooks, and blocking.
Featuring stainless steel construction, the lifter is powered by a quiet direct drive pump and operates with a 100% duty cycle. Standard features include a conical head control valve that assures a smooth response and steady operation, a fine adjustment for properly balancing loads, and an easy to read vacuum gauge. A wide variety of standard and custom designed lifting pads are optional.
For more information, contact Franck M. Vernooy, VP Marketing, Anver Corporation, 36 Parmenter Rd., Hudson, MA 01749, 800-654-3500, 978-568-0221, FAX 978-568-1570, E-mail:, Web: