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Category: Machinery
Volume: 45
Issue: 3
Article No.: 25816

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Expanded HDPE Line
The TigerSaw 1000 Compact™ is a fully automatic optimizing, and push feeding saw station for fast and accurate cutting of wood and plastic materials. It increases yield, accuracy, and productivity at the best value point in the industry, offering uncompromising quality.

You can upgrade your saw to include a variety of software packages or label printing.

The Compact features extensive guarding, and a fully enclosed saw blade with a cutting envelope of 1″x 9.75″ – 3″ x 7.75″ and 3.5″ OD tube. It is compatible with 14″ (355 mm), and 16″ (406 mm) saw blades.

For more information, contact Sales, TigerStop LLC, 12909 NE 95th St., Vancouver, WA 98682, 360.-254-0661, Fax:360-260-0755, E-mail:, Web:

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